or at least that's what they always say.
Perhaps I'm a wierdo, but I love working with kids, and it's one of the very reasons that Belleville exists. And never more than when working on a photoshoot. Perhaps because I'm really just a kid (and not much taller than most of the kids I work with) but somehow they seem to respond to my requests - whether it's to be playful OR to stop playing up.
OK, so today we had the first of the Belleville Spring/Summer collections. A tad stressful as MOST of the stock that was due to arrive earlier in the month still was nowhere to be seen. Not to mention technical dramas and 6 restless children making every minute seem like 10.
But once we started going it was SO MUCH FUN. I love how children become completely different once there is a camera and lights infront of them... the shy ones come out of their shells and the super confident ones all of a sudden become like bunnys caught in the light. ALL the children today however are just such stars without a bit of preciousness. They each bring joy into my life on a pretty regular basis, and I'm so happy to have them and their adults in my life. And none more than my dear daughter Sanja, who didn't seem to be phased in the least by losing 2 front teeth the week of the photoshoot... she just worked her closed mouth smile like she was being paid for it. Bless her.
To see more of the pics simply click here... and if you're not a fan of the facebook page you definitely should be one :)
Billie x